Unlock the Potential of AI in Project Management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making significant strides in project management, offering a range of benefits that streamline processes and enhance efficiency. But how do you unlock it in practice?
This Tx3 network seeks to exchange knowledge, best practices and great tools that can help you today.

Target Audience
Project managers that want to leverage AI to become more efficient

o Get started with AI
o Learn to use the tools that already exist and are useful
o Explore new ways of working with your fellow project managers

o Article (or video?) about best practices and tools that can be leveraged today


o Startup Meeting on
12 September 2024 from 10.00-11.30 AM
o Monthly Teams meetings (1-1½ h)
o The network will be accepting members of Dansk Projektledelse
Sign-up before 30 August 2024
o The Tx3 will be held in both Danish and English

Mark Adler Madsen will be facilitating the network. He is a product development consultant with more than 20 years of experience. He has helped companies such as Porsche, Vestas, Danfoss, Maersk and Lego grow through effective management and launching successful products. Mark's passion is helping companies with the most complex projects achieve their goals through effective product development strategies and processes.

Read more about Tx3 network here


Mark Adler Madsen

Mark Adler Madsen er partner & Co-founder i @ AspireInnovation. Mark er konsulent i produktudvikling med mere end 20 års erfaring. Han har hjulpet virksomheder som Porsche, Vestas, Danfoss, Mærsk og Lego med at skabe vækst gennem effektiv ledelse og lancering af succesfulde produkter. Marks passion er at hjælpe virksomhederne med de mest komplekse projekter til at nå deres mål gennem effektive strategier og processer til produktudvikling

Tilmelding / Tilmeldingfrist 30-08-2024 kl. 12:00

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