The purpose of the PROGRAM DENMARK network is (1) To disseminate and provide knowledge and learning about major public projects, drawing on Danish and foreign experience; (2) To ensure systematic collection of experience from major public projects, and finally (3). To contribute to the political debate on major public projects with a view to influencing the choice of regulatory and governance mechanisms that can improve concept selection, planning, execution, and value creation from major public projects.
This kickoff webinar will focus on learning about experiences from Norway related to major public projects and how they use the “Norwegian State's project model”. The research network is furthermore presented at the webinar.
Who should attend? The research network invites broad engagement between public bodies in minis-tries, agencies, municipalities, and regions as well as practitioners and professionals among advisers and in companies.Who should attend? The research network invites broad engagement between public bodies in minis-tries, agencies, municipalities, and regions as well as practitioners and professionals among advisers and in companies.
Why attend?
• Gain insight into the research network and how you can join and contribute yourself
• Hear how the Norwegian State Model acts as a national governance structure for major public projects as well as the link to Danish governance models at the national level
Program (the Webinar will be in English)
• Welcome
• Brief about the research network
• The Norwegian State's project model - Requirements for investigation, planning, and quality assur-ance of large investment projects in Norway
• Perspective of the Norwegian model to Danish models
• Thanks for today!
Arranged by: The research network PROGRAM DENMARK and the Danish Project Management Association
If you are not af member of Dansk Projektledelse, and wish to attend this webinar, you can send an email to:
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