Leadership vitamins for experienced project managers

The webinar will be facilitated via Zoom. When you sign up for the webinar, you will receive a confirmation with the link needed to participate.

Are you an experienced project manager who feels your competence development has stagnated? Do you sometimes struggle to take on the leadership role in your projects? Or stepping into character at steering group or decision meetings? Or maybe you are the leader of a team of experienced project managers who have similar challenges.

This webinar will showcase how we helped 10 experienced project managers at the VELUX Innovation Center to address some of these challenges. At the webinar, we will unveil how we strengthened their ability to lead over the course of a year. As well as what benefit the company got from this.

In this webinar you will get answers to
1. How we designed a development process that created learnings that lasted
2. Get a glimpse of specific learning activities
3. As well as what structures and routines were introduced to maintain the new leadership focus

Leadership is crucial to your success as a project manager!
As inspiration, I will share a 'skeleton' for a development process that combines learning, activation and anchoring. As well as a recipe for an internal PM community that motivates and activates the project managers in their leadership role.

You will have the opportunity to discuss with like-minded people, how you can get more focus on leadership in your competence development in practice.

8:30 Welcome and introduction
How to strengthen the leadership level of experienced PMs
Discussion of how to get more focus on leadership in your PM competence development
10:00 End of webinar

If you are not a member of Dansk Projektledelse but you want to discover more about us, you can sign up for one webinar free of charge. All you need to do is send an email to: arrangementer@danskprojektledelse.dk


Tine Kragh Nielsen

Tine Kragh Nielsen har arbejdet med ledelse af projekter og forandringer det meste af sit jobliv. Som selvstændig ledelseskonsulent hjælper hun projekt- og forandringsledere til at lykkes i deres rolle. Hun har skabt positive forandringer hos VELUX og Coloplast gennem 9 år hvert sted. Hun har bl.a. været med til at implementere fælles sprog og tilgang til projektledelse på tværs af VELUX. Feedback til Tine går typisk på hendes store engagement og nærvær i udviklingen af mennesker og forretning. Hun kombinerer struktur og ledelsesmæssigt mindset i sin tilgang for at skabe begejstring om projekterne og sikre resultater i forretningen.

Tilmelding / Tilmeldingfrist 20-11-2024 kl. 12:00

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